Message from CEO

Message from CEO

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our overseasagent as an experienced, modern, efficient andfrontlineoverseasrecruitment agency in Bangladesh. Ourseriousness and enthusiasticservicecombined with the highest level of professionalism have earned us global appreciation, trust and poise. Withthebeliefthat“peopleareresources”, we goallouttoextract the best frompeople and instill a sense of responsibilityinthem. As such, we have established the largest engineering training and testing center inSouthAsia to transform people into human resources. The result is an unparalleled database of potential employees with exceptional technical know-how who are simply the best in the business. Filling a vacancy in today’s highly competitive job market is not an easy task. Unless you are fully equipped with the rightskills, it will certainly be difficult to find the right candidate thatmeets your requirements. The resultscan mean ahugewaste of resources, i.e. time and money. If you encounter this dilemma, you may want to entrust the task to us. Trust us, we can mobilize the right staff for your businesstosuit your needs at a reasonable cost. Our commitment goes beyond quality work. Giant Overseas has a proven track record inmeetingthelaborneeds of its clients with quick and efficient dispatch. Our quality assurance is supported by officersandemployeeswhoare highly trained in modern testing and evaluation methods. I hope this brochure will help you learn more about our company and services.

Mahidul Amin Bhuiyan
Chief Executive Officer
Giant Overseas
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